Synchronicity: Why do I keep seeing 11:11?

Muhammad Khairul
8 min readJan 31, 2022


Photo by team voyas on Unsplash

Do you find yourself glancing at the clock at the same time every day? Maybe you’ve been seeing an uncanny series of repeated numbers on it regularly like 11:11. Perhaps you had seen other repeating numbers 2:22, 3:33, 4:44 on the regular whenever you would look at the clock or pause a video while watching youtube. To a certain extent, it may have felt like an eerie coincidence, a supernatural encounter, or downright an otherworldly to have encountered such experience. I would want to assure you that you are not going crazy nor you are experiencing this alone. It is not a coincidence that you had encountered them. In this newsletter today, we will be exploring more about the 11:11 phenomena and why you may be seeing it.


Synchronicity is a word coined by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung to describe the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no cause; that is where the coincidences are acausal. Jung believed that many occurrences labeled as “coincidences,” are not actually due to chance but the belief that these occurrences are directly related to the observer’s mind, and serve to provide powerful insight, direction, and guidance.

“Synchronicity is the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer.” ― Carl Jung

When you experienced synchronicity, you have experiences that seem far too significant to be mere day-to-day serendipitous encounters. Some people may describe these as ‘freak encounters,’ ‘miracles,’ ‘signs from the heavens,’ guidance from one’s spirit guides, or even mystical instances of Soul connection.

Common forms of Synchronicity:

  • Seeing repeated numbers (such as 11:11, 2:22, 7:07, 5:55, etc.)
  • Thinking about something, then mysteriously having it happen
  • Being in the right place at the right time
  • Dreaming about people/animals/places, then seeing them repeatedly in real life
  • Seeing repeated symbols (such as the infinity sign, the triangle, the tree of life, etc.)

Angel Numbers

Within numerology, angel numbers are number sequences (usually three or four numbers) that contain repetition (such as 111 or 4444) and/or patterns (such as 321 or 8787). Angel numbers work in accordance with the tenets of numerology, which upholds the notion that each number is connected to a certain vibrational energy or frequency that encompasses meaning beyond its sheer numeric value. The power and significance of repeating integers have been around for hundreds and thousands of years since the time of ancient Greece. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who was a brilliant mathematician, believes that our reality is a physical manifestation of the energetic vibration of numbers.

These numbers may appear at the most ordinary of places such as on clock displays, car plate numbers, receipts, price tags, etc. These digits and number sequencing never fails to grab our attention to evoke a sense of wonder about them. The reason why we are enchanted by these sequences is the belief that these numbers are messages from the spiritual universe that offer insight, wisdom, and directionality to where we may be headed in life. Think of it like a breadcrumb trail where the universe would place to assist you in getting to where you wanted in life.

Angel numbers are a sign from the divine (whatever you may call or associate it with — God, Source, Higher Intelligence, Higher Self, Universe, etc. ) that you are on the right track in life. Angel numbers serve as a cosmic nudge affirming that you are at the precise juncture in the universe, which means that you may be the right person at the right place at the right time. It also affirms that you are in sync with the environment where whatever is occurring in your life is meant to be and that you are close to a new beginning in life. Angel numbers could also serve as a confirmation that you are on the right path, sometimes shed invaluable insight on a complex scenario, or even illuminate a powerful meaning behind recurring themes you may be experiencing throughout your life.

Photo by Andika Christian on Unsplash


According to numerology, the number 11 is a “master number” which signifies intuition, insight, and enlightenment. When paired together, 11 11 is a clear message from the universe to become conscious and aware of our thoughts and our surroundings. Many people suggest that seeing 11 11 signifies that your spirit guides and other benevolent beings are attempting to contact you. Based on my personal experience, 11 11 seems to be the number of spiritual awakening, signifying that you are on the right path and your actions are aligned with your Soul’s purpose. In other words, seeing 11 11 is a good sign! An energetic doorway is being opened in which you will experience spiritual growth.

In summary, you are on the right path and you’re being assisted by your Soul, spirit guides, and the Universe to consciously grow and expand. Pay attention, be aware, and remember to stay grounded in the present moment.

Spiritual awakening

As seeing repeated numbers like 11:11 is a form of synchronicity, it is also known as the wake-up call or an invitation to explore the higher dimensions of expanded consciousness. It is also the cry from the deepest part of self to pay attention and be present to both the internal world and external world that’s around you. Seeing 11:11 or any repetitive number sequencing is an intrinsic part of the spiritual awakening process. As these numbers tend to draw our attention to instill a sense of awe and curiosity within us, importantly it serves as a checkpoint for each of us to pause, stop, and question upon the worlds within and outside of us. Momentarily to exit the asleep and trancelike mode of living and access to a more mindful way of living. Therefore, you are probably going through a spiritual awakening or initiation if you keep seeing these repeated number sequences.

Sacred partnerships

As mentioned above, the number 11 11 is connected to the spiritual awakening process. Sometimes, part of this journey involves the meeting of your soul mate or twin flame. A sacred partnership or a conscious relationship is designed to help you grow on every level and aspect of yourself. If you are looking for love, seeing 11 11 may be a strong indicator that your soul mate or twin flame is about to enter your life. Do keep yourself open and receptive to the signs and synchronicities that may show up in your life.

The Mayan Connection

According to the Mayan Calendar, the turning of ages began on December 21st, 2012, at 11:11. This marked a New Age on our planet. It denoted a literal shift in consciousness from the Dark Age to the Golden Age. Another interesting thing about 11:11 is that the numbers add up to four. That number indicates transformation and the dissolving of the ego. Many healers and spiritual leaders on Earth interpret 11:11 to mean that the ascended masters are on the planet to aid us in this grand healing and help bring Earth back into alignment once again.

Other instances of 11:11

  • The Mayan end year for the year 2012 is at 11:11 Universal time.
  • The crop formation known as “Swallows” is believed to have a connection to the 11:11 Doorway in the Belt of Orion.
  • The Berlin Wall came down on 11/11/1989.
  • Nelson Mandela was released on 2/11/1990.
  • September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4 = 11.
  • The Twin Towers standing side by side, looks like the number 11 The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11 by American Airlines or AA -> A=1st letter in alphabet so we have 11:11 The first tower collapsed in eleven seconds. Encarta World Atlas says that New York City and the World Trade Center fall exactly on 74 degrees west, 7+4 = 11 Flight #11–2 pilots + 9 attendants = 11 in the crew Flight #175–65 on board — 6+5=11.
  • The State of New York was the 11th State added to the Union.
  • The book of revelations is powerful and has significant meaning relating to these numbers! You might want to read these verses 101, 1001, 1010. 1011, 1101, 1110, and 1111.
  • 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 1,2,345,678,987,654,321.
  • The first telephone call by Alexander G. Bell was made on March 11, 1876.
  • The Lourdes vision was seen on February 11, 1858.
  • The US emergency number is 9–1–1.
  • The American Zip Code for NYC is 10001.
  • Uri Geller was born on the December 20, 1946. 1+9+4+6+2+0=22.11+11=22.
  • The Egyptian Ruler Tutankhamen (11 letters) died in January 1323 BC. He was the 11th Ruler of the 18th dynasty.
  • In 1211 Genghis Khan (11 letters) breached the Great Wall of China.
  • The following names, words or terms all have letters which add up to the number 11: Nuclear Bomb, The Civil War, Josef Stalin, Shimon Perez, Ariel Sharon, Jesus Christ, Nostradamus, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Antony Blair, Colin Powell, Adolf Hitler, John Kennedy and Barack Obama.
  • The $100 dollar bill features the Independence Hall which has 11 windows on each side. 11 windows on the left side and 11 windows on the right side results in the number 1111.

Final thoughts

Having encountered the phenomena of 11:11 myself about two years ago, 11:11 was indeed a wake-up call I never knew I needed in my life. My advice would be to remain positive and tune in deeper to what your gut and intuition have to say. Most of the time it would whisper to you, what’s important is to listen to this gut feeling within. Occasionally these numbers and synchronicities would lead you to certain areas and caves in your life that you refuse to enter, other times it would shine its light onto the darker shadow parts of ourselves for us to discover. Sometimes, the cave we fear entering holds the treasure that we seek. To the brave souls out there who may have just commenced on your spiritual journey, know that you are always supported by a benevolent spirit team of angels, guides, and ascended masters and that they have your back covered. Think of it as a spiritual reboot or upgrade where the universe invites you to the heightened levels of living the human experience on earth. To sum it up, no you are not mental or crazy. You are just experiencing a richer experience in life than others.

Leave a comment below to share your story with others about your encounters with synchronicity and angel numbers.

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Muhammad Khairul
Muhammad Khairul

Written by Muhammad Khairul

The color silver in a monochrome world. I write poetry to shed unique perspectives on the collective unconscious.

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