The vacuum law of prosperity
People came to me and asked why they haven’t achieved the level of financial success that they desire in life. Or why they hadn’t attracted the reality that they wanted.
My response would be, what is it that you are still holding on to in your life that you should be releasing? You can’t fill a cup with something new if it’s already full. What’s keeping your cup full? Or perhaps you might want to explore deeper the reasons about what’s stopping you from pouring your cup away? Because right in the cup may be the things that may be holding you back from achieving wealth and prosperity or pretty much anything that you desire in life.
So buckle up as we share some invaluable information that will blow your mind. Here are some of the secrets we found that are worth sharing if you are interested in acquiring wealth and riches for yourself or if you had found yourself in a situation to be in a pressing need for it.
Attaining abundance is a science
There is an exact science of attracting the abundance and prosperity you had ever dreamt of. There are certain laws in existence that governed the process of acquiring wealth and prosperity. Whether we are conscious and aware of it or not, they work similarly to the laws of physics that we knew when we were taught in school. Similar to the knowledge of the laws of electricity & magnetism that had allowed men to create inventions and engineering marvels. You too can acquire wealth with mathematical certainty once you learned and obey these laws that we’ll be sharing.
Understanding the Universal Laws of the Universe and learning to apply them in your daily life will help you with accomplishing personal and financial freedom faster than you ever imagined. One of the powerful laws of the Universe is the Vacuum Law of Prosperity, which states that Nature abhors a vacuum.
The vacuum law of prosperity.
The Vacuum Law of Prosperity essentially means that to attract whatever it is that you desire to be, do or have in your life, you will have to make room for it. This means learning how to release old, limiting beliefs and thought patterns that were holding you back from receiving. This is an important component of the Law of Attraction that most people miss. You have to remove the old to make room for the new.
Nature of the universe
“Nature abhors a vacuum. And since the inherent nature of the universe is good and benevolent, a vacuum will always be filled with good. So one of the fastest ways to manifest prosperity in your life is to create a vacuum.
If you are holding on to something negative, there is little to no room for the positive to come into your life. Similar to the analogy of emptying the cup. Sometimes, we did not realize that the cup we held in our hand had some dirt in the water. This means we would need to empty the cup to refill it again if we are going to quench our thirst with it. In this case, if your cup is not filled with your favorite wine or juice, you can empty it to refill it with whichever drink your heart desires.
Another analogy would be, you can’t buy more new clothes if your wardrobe is already full. The same applies to the furniture you own in your house.
So what are you still holding on to that needs you to let it go off?
Why do we hold on to the old?
Usually, we cling on to old patterns and old things because we lack faith in our ability to get new ideas and new things. This fear that we cling on to leads to insecurity and uncertainty which stems from not knowing who we truly are and our potential. As we lacked the awareness of our connection and relationship with the universe, we subconsciously create a distorted self-image of ourselves. We must come to realize that our “true self” knows no limits, which means that we are capable of having, doing, or being, anything we want to be. But when we fail to see this simple truth, when we believe that our supplies are limited and that our real security lies in money or things, we will be afraid to let go of them and try something new.
A short activity:
As an experiment, let us all put the Law of Vacuum to the test in our own lives. If you want more prosperity, start creating a vacuum to receive it. An example will be if you want a savings fund, start by opening an empty bank account, no matter how little money you have right now. Because of the inherent nature of the universe that it abhors a vacuum, the vacuum will be filled in no time. The same principle can be applied to the other areas in your life, be it the space that you are living in, the beliefs that you held in your heart, or even the clothes in your closet. So give it a try, create a vacuum in the area where you want to have more abundance. Do comment and share with us about your journey in applying the law of vacuum principle.
Final thoughts
Remember that you are always surrounded by good everywhere so open your mind to be receptive to greater prosperity and abundance that will come into your life. If you give, the Universe will reciprocate to give you back the energy that you give in. Upon having a greater understanding of how our reality works, it becomes easier to have faith in the gestation process of the greater things that will soon manifest in your life.
Someday, you will stop fearing the future and start letting things go, because we now know that old stuff will be immediately be replaced with something of equal or greater value. Don’t be afraid to let go of the things that are no longer serving you such as old ideas, patterns, or old possessions. Allow the new and be receptive to what uncertainty may unfold in your life and watch the magic happen.
Love you all and Stay high vibe!
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